
November 20, 2008 at 12:14 pm (Entertainment, Twilight, Vampires) (, , , , , )

With the current excitement of Twilight being released tomorrow I sit here listening to it’s soundtrack for like the hundredth time since buying it since last week. I have seriously not been this excited over a vampire movie in so long.

I love the angsty, forbidden love. The one where the characters think, “You die, I die” They can’t live without each other. Something about it pulls at my heartstrings and makes me yearn for my own angst ridden romance.

The songs on this soundtrack match so perfectly to the story. I have found myself trying to imagine what part of the movie each song could be paired with. There is even a song that Robert Pattinson sings and plays the guitar. It’s very very good.

The casting of Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen is pure genius. In my opinion they fit the roles so perfectly and from all the clips I have seen they seem to have this amazing chemistry. I never though of Robert Pattinson as HOT before but make anyone a vampire and I totally lust after them. Well everyone except Tom Cruise. BLECH! If they can sing and play instruments that’s even better to me.

So anyway I wanted to share my excitement for this “Oh So Awesome” movie and pray to God that it doesn’t dissappoint although I have a feeling it won’t.

Oh and did I mention that I’m a little more then 10 years older then the characters.


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Vampire: Real or fake

November 17, 2008 at 1:44 pm (Entertainment, Twilight, Vampires)


On the cusp of the release of Twilight I find myself obsessing about vampires even more than usual. When I fall for something I fall HARD! That alone doesn’t bother me but I fear people think of me as a freak, my sister especially. I know she thinks I’m going to hell because of my likes. That’s what bothers me.

I realized lately I’ve found myself wishing with all my heart and soul vampires were real. I wish one would find me, fall completely and irrevocably in love, convert me and make me beautiful or at least make me feel beautiful. In a way that feels so wrong to me but overshadowing it is how much it feels so right.

If vampire are real where are they hiding? Are they all holed up somewhere in Transylvania? Can they sense those people that are yearning for some sort of contact? I truly believe that vampires would not be wholly evil. My ideals are the Edwards and the Henrys.

I feel so lost and alone in a world where the majority of the population would either have me commited or at least laugh at me and tell me to stop being ridiculous. I’m even worried about letting my online community of friends know how I feel for fear they would laugh at me. Deep down I know they won’t but the fear is still there. I care so much about what they think I would be devastated if they laughed, or worse, stopped talking to me. They are my biggest and best support system I have.

My mom knows of my interest in vampires but she doesn’t know how much of an obsession it is. She saw the books I have been reading and she asked me if everything was vampires now. I told her not exactly just so I wouldn’t have to see the disappointment in her eyes.

I don’t need people laughing at me, I need people to except me for who I am. I feel that most people I know don’t.

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